
Helena Cull was born in London, England in 1980. She currently resides in rural Wiltshire.

Her foundations were laid in the world of classical music, first as a violinist at the Royal Academy of Music Junior Academy, then as a composer and sound designer. She has been involved in many forms of education, from university lecturing to running workshops for children. After leaving academia in the late 2000s, Helena spent a decade working and traveling in mainland Europe, learning new languages and touring as a musician. In parallel with this she began to develop a closer relationship with the natural world and to recognise the transcendent quality of its teachings. After a period in Berlin, Germany, she left the clamour of the urban landscape and moved to an environment which fostered greater contemplation and renewal. Profound personal observations began to shift her focus away from artistic expression, with rigorous spiritual enquiry becoming the primary concern.

Real Christian principles now form the backbone of Helena’s life and practice. Ongoing work with an Anglo-American charity supporting families in crisis has emphasised the importance of quality mentoring and lucid communication within the framework of contemporary spiritual life.

Helena now uses her skills for listening and articulation in dialogue with those who have an appetite for truth and are looking to integrate sincere spiritual investigation into the real world. She aims to address life’s questions in a manner that befits the open-hearted, independent-minded individual.

Please see the work page for further details.